Миронець, М. А. та Ширко, Б. Ф. та Іванів, Р. Г. (2022) ПІДПРИЄМНИЦЬКИЙ ПОТЕНЦІАЛ: ЕКОНОМІЧНА СУТНІСТЬ, ВИДИ ТА ЗНАЧЕННЯ. Вісник Національного університету водного господарства та природокористування (4(100)). с. 101-114.
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У статті висвітлено основні підходи до формування економічної сутності підприємницького потенціалу, досліджено характерні його складники. Запропоновано власне тлумачення означеного поняття. Розглянуто трактування економічних категорій «підприємець», «підприємництво» вітчизняними та зарубіжними науковцями- економістами. Наведено основні характеристики підприємницького потенціалу. Звернено увагу на структуру економічного потенціалу підприємства. Окреслено його складові.
Title in English
English abstract
The article highlights the main formations of the essence of entrepreneurial potential, investigates the characteristic components. The organization and conduct of business activities in accordance with the legislation is outlined. The interpretation of the concept of entrepreneurial potential by scientists-economists is considered. The main characteristics of the formation of the potential for the development of entrepreneurship are highlighted. The problem of formation and development of entrepreneurial potential, despite scientific research, from the time of Adam Smith to the present day, is relevant even in our time. As theoretical definitions, the problems of formation and development of entrepreneurial potential are the definition and classification of its main types of manifestations, which is the methodological basis for the formation of a well-founded concept. The macro- and microenvironment of the enterprise encourages reform and adaptation to real conditions in order to ensure effective functioning and development. Fulfillment of this task is impossible without full and rational use of the potential of the enterprise as a single system. The substantiation of the essence of entrepreneurial potential in the scientific literature is considered in the context of production, economic, and labor potential. This indicates the interaction of various economic resources in the process of entrepreneurial activity. Formation of entrepreneurial potential is the process of identification and creation of a range of entrepreneurial opportunities, their structuring and construction of certain organizational forms for stable development and effective reproduction. At all stages of the entrepreneurial potential management process, there is a need for its assessment. The potential of the enterprise is characterized by properties typical for any economic system: integrity, interconnection and interaction of elements, complexity, communicativeness, hierarchy, multiplicity of description, ability to develop, alternative forms of functioning and development, priority of the interests of the global level system, priority of quality, power The integrity property, according to systems theory, means that systems exist as a whole, which can then be divided into components. These components exist only because the whole exists. The elements do not make up the whole, but on the contrary, the whole gives rise to the elements of the system during its division, which is the essence of the main postulate of the theory of systems – its primacy. In a complete system, individual parts function together, making up the process of functioning of the system as a whole. Each component can be considered only in its connection with other components of the system. Economic strategy is a course of economic policy chosen by the state, designed for a long-term perspective and aimed at solving large-scale economic and social tasks, tasks of cultural development, ensuring the economic security of the state, preserving and multiplying its economic potential and national wealth, increasing national welfare. The economic strategy includes the determination of the priority goals of the economy, the means and methods of their implementation, based on the content of objective processes and trends taking place in the national and world economy, and taking into account the legitimate interests of business entities. On the basis of the above, entrepreneurial potential is important in the development of economic policy in both macro- and microeconomics for the general well-being of the nation. Summarizing the results of our research, we can offer the characteristics of an entrepreneur and his potential for entrepreneurial activity. An entrepreneur is a person who aims to earn income, and must have the potential, be endowed with management skills, analyze and make creative decisions, take risks and respond to the economic and social situation, while not losing economic entrepreneurial freedom. We can offer the following definition of entrepreneurial potential – it is a set of resources (labour, financial, material, technical, innovative), skills and capabilities of management at different levels and employees themselves, aimed at maximizing profits, achieving economic growth and ensuring sustainable development of the enterprise.
Тип елементу : | Стаття |
Ключові слова: | підприємницький потенціал; підприємництво; підприємець; економічний потенціал; entrepreneurial potential; entrepreneurship; entrepreneur; economic potential |
УДК: | 657 |
Бібліографічний опис: | Миронець М. А. Підприємницький потенціал: економічна сутність, види та значення / М. А. Миронець, Б. Ф. Ширко, Р. Г. Іванів // Вісник НУВГП. Економічні науки : зб. наук. праць. - Рівне : НУВГП, 2022. - Вип. 4(100). - С. 101-114. |
Тематики: | Видання університету > Вісник НУВГП > серія "Економічні науки" > 2022 > Вісник 4 Видання університету > Вісник НУВГП > серія "Економічні науки" > 2022 Видання університету |
Користувач, що депонує: | С. Й. Гипчинська |
Дата внесення: | 20 Квіт 2023 10:23 |
Останні зміни: | 20 Квіт 2023 10:23 |
URI: | http://ep3.nuwm.edu.ua/id/eprint/25961 |
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