Economic Aspects of Public Administration and Local Government in the Context of Ensuring National Security


Завантажень за місяць протягом останнього року

Zayats, D. та Serohina, N. та Bashtannyk, O. та Akimova, L. M. та Akimov, O. O. та Mazalov, A. та Акімова, Л. М. та Акімов, О. О. (2024) Economic Aspects of Public Administration and Local Government in the Context of Ensuring National Security. Economic Affairs (New Delhi) (69(02)). с. 979-988.

[img] Text
Zayats_D Serohina_N Bashtannyk_O Akimova_L Akimov_O Mazalov _A 2024 Economic Aspects of Public Administration and Local Government in the Context of Ensuring National Security (1).pdf


English abstract

The study attempts to comprehend today’s trends in changing the focus of national security toward a deeper consideration of the role of local government in security processes, including economic aspects as core drivers. Geopolitics and geoeconomics implications are analyzed within the context of cities, and the challenge of the necessity and, at the same time threat of decentralization is emphasized. It is proposed to view today’s national security as a multilayer system in which economic aspects represent an important landscape

Тип елементу : Стаття
Ключові слова: National security, Public Administration, Local government, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics
Бібліографічний опис: Economic Aspects of Public Administration and Local Government in the Context of Ensuring National Security / D. Zayats, N. Serohina, O. Bashtannyk [etc.] // Economic Affairs (New Delhi). - Vol. 69 (02). - PP. 979-988. DOI: 10.46852/0424-2513.3.2024.23 SCOPUS.
Тематики: За напрямами > Усі спеціальності
Користувач, що депонує: С. Й. Гипчинська
Дата внесення: 23 Лип 2024 07:44
Останні зміни: 23 Лип 2024 07:44
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