Work program of the academic discipline "Operating systems" for applicants of higher education of the first (Bachelor) level in specialties: 113 "Applied mathematics", 121 "Software engineering (Internet of things)", 122 "Computer sciences", full-time and part-time study


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04-01-63 Zubyk, Y. Y. and Zubyk, Y. M. (2019) Work program of the academic discipline "Operating systems" for applicants of higher education of the first (Bachelor) level in specialties: 113 "Applied mathematics", 121 "Software engineering (Internet of things)", 122 "Computer sciences", full-time and part-time study. [Робочі програми]

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The program of the academic discipline "Operating Systems" involves studying the methods of working with modern software, a systematic approach to solving engineering and technical problems with the help of a PC, the search and processing of information using modern technology. Teaching of the discipline "Operating Systems" will provide the following learning outcomes: to apply theoretical, methodical and practical approaches for solving professional problems; search, selection and systematization of necessary data with the use of information systems and technologies in applied fields

Item Type: Робочі програми
Uncontrolled Keywords: 04-01-63, operating systems, software, information technologies, file systems, process, system calls
Шифр: 04-01-63
Subjects: Шифр галузі знань > 11 Математика та статистика > 113 Прикладна математика
Шифр галузі знань > 12 Інформаційні технології > 121 Інженерія програмного забезпечення
Шифр галузі знань > 12 Інформаційні технології > 122 Комп’ютерні науки та інформаційні технології
Divisions: Навчально-науковий інститут автоматики, кібернетики та обчислювальної техніки > Прикладної математики
Depositing User: Ірина Понаріна
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2019 12:35
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2019 12:35

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