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Tkhoruk, E. I. and Krystopchuk, M. E. and Soroka, V. S. and Holotiuk, M. V. (2020) RESOURCE-SAVING AND RELIABILITY OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. Resource-saving technologies of raw-material base development in mineral mining and processing. pp. 109-122.

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Title in English


English abstract

The article is based on the analysis of the development of the theory of reliability and its indicators are formulated indicators of the reliability of transport systems and built a system of factors determining their reliability. It is established that the for-mation of the theory of reliability of transport systems today is not completed. Based on the specifics of the systems, new reliability indicators were proposed and substan-tiated such as emergency downtime and reliability of emergency downtime. On the basis of the performed studies, it was found that the specifics of the transport process require the introduction of emergency downtime close to the recovery time and the reliability of emergency downtime. It is necessary the introduction of two close pa-rameters such as the average recovery time and the average emergency idle time. They are associated with the need to distinguish between the idle time of a techno-logical system or a separate element when a failure occurs and the idle time is needed. For the technological links of the transport system, the main purpose of which is to ensure efficient operation transport process, the probability of emergency down-time can serve as a criterion for assessing their reliability.

Item Type: Article
Бібліографічний опис: Resource-saving and reliability of transportation systems / Е. І. Tkhoruk, M. Е. Krystopchuk, V. S. Soroka, M. V. Holotiuk // Resource-saving technologies of raw-material base development in mineral mining and processing : multi-authored monograph. – Petroșani, Romania : UNIVERSITAS Publishing, 2020. – PP. 109-122.
Subjects: За напрямами > 05 - Інженерія > 0503 - Розробка корисних копалин
Depositing User: С. В. Бойчук
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2020 20:51
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2020 20:51

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