The Syllabus of the Educational Component "Water Quality and Fish Health" for Master's Degree Students of the Degree Program "Protection, Reproduction, and Rational Use of Hydrobioresources", Field of Study 207 "Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture"


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05-03-57S(E) Hrokhovska, Y. R. (2024) The Syllabus of the Educational Component "Water Quality and Fish Health" for Master's Degree Students of the Degree Program "Protection, Reproduction, and Rational Use of Hydrobioresources", Field of Study 207 "Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture". [Силабус]

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The purpose of studying this educational component is to equip students with theoretical knowledge about the impact of water quality on the health of fish in natural populations and aquaculture, along with practical skills for assessing water quality and fish condition based on relevant indicators. Through studying the educational component, students will gain both theoretical insights and practical skills, enabling them to identify and address fish health issues related to changes in water quality, whether caused by natural factors or human activities, and to implement measures to prevent such issues. Tasks:1) to understand the problems associated with changes in water quality and pollution, along with the general reactions of fish to aquatic pollution; 2) to analyze the causes of fish poisoning and/or death; 3) to understand the causes and consequences of fish contamination and the general principles for preventing fish poisoning; 4) to be aware of the impact of pollution on the spread of viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases, as well as fish parasites.

Title in English

СИЛАБУС "Якість води та здоров’я риб" Шифр за ОП ВК.5 Освітній рівень Магістерський (другий) Галузь знань 20 "Аграрні науки та продовольство" Спеціальність 207 "Водні біоресурси та аквакультура" Освітня програма "Охорона, відтворення та раціональне використання гідробіоресурсів".

Item Type: Силабус
Uncontrolled Keywords: 05-03-57S(E), water quality, fish health
Шифр: 05-03-57S(E)
Subjects: Шифр галузі знань > 20 Аграрні науки та продовольство
Шифр галузі знань > 20 Аграрні науки та продовольство > 207 Водні біоресурси та аквакультура
Divisions: Навчально-науковий інститут агроекології та землеустрою > Водних біоресурсів
Depositing User: Н.В. Тарасюк
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2024 11:29
Last Modified: 13 Sep 2024 11:29

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